Past Conferences

Some conferences have links to pages on this site with content while other conferences only link to minutes. Several are missing content entirely. As we move forward, we hope to gather and add missing materials so that all may learn and share in the excellent past conference presentations. If you were a presenter and do not find your work here, please contact us. Thank you.

Founded June 14, 1981  
in Sweden

In 1981 Arvid Andersen had the

brilliant idea of arranging an International Borzoi Conference in Sweden. The main purpose of this was to discuss the possibility of writing an International Standard for the breed. The Conference was such a success that it lead to the formation of the International Borzoi Council, which has continued to hold Conferences every few years. So far Sweden, the U.K, and the USA have each hosted two and France, Canada Australia, and Russia one.  

Upcoming Conference 

Amsterdam, Holland

August 2023