
President: Kristina Terra, USA
Vice-President: Beatrix Maerki-Casanova
Treasurer: Roger Katona, USA
Board Member: Wendy Finlayson, New Zealand
Board Member: Norbert Futschig, Germany
Board Member: Lorraine Harvey, U.K.

The IBC is saddened by the loss of our friend and fellow Board Member David Smith, Australia

The IBC officers and board are elected every 3 years. The board and officers prepare items for the next meeting, carry out decisions made at the general membership meeting, account for the Club’s income and expenditure and coordinate conferences.

Get Involved! Do you have an idea, a discussion topic, a willingness to volunteer or present at the next conference? Are you interested in Borzoi and wish to attend the next conference? Join, attend, find us on Facebook and e-mail your suggestions and ideas.