Code of Ethics

Adopted by the International Borzoi Council

  1. To abide by and uphold the principles of the Constitution of the International Borzoi Council.
  2. To understand and abide by all Rules and Regulations of relevant country’s Canine Control: eg UK – Kennel Club, USA – The American Kennel Club, etc.
  3. To accept and breed only to the Standard of the breed as set forth by the relevant Canine Control, striving always to maintain the highest quality for the breed as outlined by the relevant Standard.
  4. To require that any agent, employee or other person actin on behalf of the member comply with all principles outlined in this Code of Ethics and guidelines.
  5. To provide the best possible environment for the physical and emotional well-being of the dogs including fully complying with local laws governing health inoculations, curbing of animals, restraint and control of their actions on and off their home premises.
  6. To put the welfare of each dog above personal gain, profit and/or personal convenience remembering that each dog is a lifetime responsibility.
  7. To make every effort to assist the novice and educate the public regarding the Borzoi and provide accurate information as to their general upkeep, the maintenance of their well being, grooming, and training needs.
  8. To strive to always behave in a sportsmanlike manner and refrain from misleading and false advertising, maligning or giving false statements regarding dogs, breeding practices, and IBC members.
  9. To support ethical trade practices and sell only to responsible persons. To avoid at all costs the wholesaling of litters of Borzoi puppies, or the sale of breeding stock or individuals to pet shops or other commercial sources of distribution and never provide dogs for the purpose of raffle, lottery or auction.
  10. As an International Borzoi Council revenant problems with members should be referred to the relevant Borzoi Club.

Nothing in this Code of Ethics should be construed to be in violation of the Rules and Regulations of the relevant Canine Control or the Constitution and By-Laws of relevant Borzoi Clubs.